Study Plan for the YPP exam 2014 – Human Rights Job Family

YPP 2014 – Human Rights Job Family

Study Plan:
Week 1- Specifics of Human Rights (ending November 16)

III. State’s Human Rights Obligations.

  1. Legally bounding states to Human Rights by International law
    ii. Customary international law

iii. Internalisation of human rights norms.

  1. Three Part Framework
    i. Respect
    ii. Protect
    iii. Fulfil
  2. Civil and political rights.
  3. Sources of Civil and political Rights
    i. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
    ii. The Core UN human rights treaties
    iii. Genocide convention
    iv. Geneva conventions (I, II,II,IV, as well as protocols I and II)
    v. International convention for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance.
    vi. Jus cogens and International customs.
  4. Specific Civil and political rights.
    i. Characteristics of all Civil and Political Rights
    ii. Self-determination of peoples
    iii. Prohibition of any type of discrimination
    iv. Rights for Life, Liberty and physical security
    v. Judicial process
    vi. Fundamental freedoms
    vii. Family
    viii. Political Participation
    ix. Minorities.
    x. Death penalty
    V. Economic, cultural and social rights.
  5. Sources of Economic, Cultural and Social Rights
    i. International Covenant on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights
    ii. UN core Human Rights Treaties
    iii. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples
  6. Specific Economic, cultural and social rights
    i. Work
    ii. Social security and Social protection
    iii. Protection and assistance to the family
    iv. Adequate standard of living
    v. Health
    vi. Education
    vii. Cultural Life
    VI. Collective Rights
  7. Theoretical Perspectives
  8. The right to self-determination
  9. The right to development
  10. The right to a healthy environment
  11. The right to Peace

VII. Human Rights of Vulnerable persons and groups

  1. Theoretical perspectives
  2. Women’s rights
  3. Children’s rights
  4. Rights of the Person with disabilities
  5. Rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities
  6. Indigenous people’s rights
  7. Protection of refugees.
  8. LGBT Rights

Related questions:

  • List the seven principal (UN) international human rights treaties currently in force.
  • Describe the “Global Compact” and discuss its importance for human rights


  • A Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology . By H. Victor Condé, University of Nebraska Press.
  • Human Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments. UN/DPI. / Droits de l’homme : recueil des instruments internationaux. ONU/DPI.
  • Integrating Human Rights with Sustainable Human Development. UN, 1998. / Intégrer les droits de l’homme au développement durable.1998.
  • The United Nations and Human Rights, 1945-1995. UN/DPI, 1995 / Les Nations Unies et les droits de l’homme, 1945-1995. Série
  • “Livres bleus des Nations Unies”, Volume VIII. ONU /DPI. 1996. 536 pages.
  • United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights. UN / Les activités de l’ONU dans le domaine des droits de l’homme. ONU.
  • World Conference on Human Rights: The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. DPI, New York, 1995


Week 2 Human Rights enforcement mechanism and human rights and armed conflict (ending November 23)

VIII. The UN System

  1. The Need for International enforcement mechanisms
  2. Charter Bodies
    i. The Economic and Social Council – ECOSOC
    1. The Commission on the Status of Women
  3. The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  4. Consultative status of NGOs in the UN
    ii. The UN Security Council
    iii. The UN Secretariat
    iv. The Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights
  5. Human Rights Coordination
  6. Human Rights Monitoring
  7. Human Rights Studies
  8. Human Rights promotion
    v. The General Assembly
    vi. The Human Rights Council
  9. Universal periodic review
  10. Advisory Body
  11. Special procedure
  12. Complaints procedures
  13. Treaty Bodies
    i. Functions of the treaty bodies
  14. Issuing general comments
  15. Considering state parties’ reports
  16. Conducting inquiries
  17. Receiving individual communications
  18. Receiving state-to-state complaints
  19. Human Rights Committee

iii. Committee on Economic, social and cultural rights

  1. Committee on the elimination of discrimination against women
  2. Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination
    vi. Committee against torture
    vii. Committee on the rights of child
    viii. Committee on migrant workers
    ix. Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities
    x. Committee on enforced disappearance
    IX. Human Rights during armed conflicts
  3. Jus ad Bellum and the responsibility to protect
  4. International humanitarian law
  5. Law and war
  6. International criminal law

Related questions:

  • Describe the role and mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
  • Recent years have brought important developments in strengthening the judicial enforcement of international human rights and humanitarian law. Name three (3) such developments since the 1990s.
  • One aspect of the Secretary General’s Reform programme of 1997 called for integrating the human rights programmes into a broad range of the organisation’s activities, including in the peacekeeping, development and humanitarian areas. Discuss the objectives of this process and provide three examples of how it is being accomplished


Week 3: Human Rights in peacekeeping operations and Human Rights Monitoring (ending November 30)

  1. Human Rights in Peacekeeping Operations
  2. Human rights problems in conflict and post-conflict
    i. How violations of human rights occur?
    ii. Human rights problems common in peacekeeping operations
    iii. Groups especially at risk
    iv. Transitional justice
    v. Reinforcement of state authorities and civil society
  3. Key Principles of conduct of human rights in Peacekeeping missions.
  4. Actions of protection
    i. Definition and operational framework
    ii. Protection of civilians
    iii. Protection through presence and access
    iv. Building protection strategies
    v. Applying human rights in peace operations
    vi. The work of human rights components in peacekeeping operations
  5. DPKO missions specific human rights mandates.
  6. Human rights monitoring
  7. Concept
  8. Human Rights violations vs Human Rights abuse
  9. Bringing state authorities responsible for their human rights role
  10. Monitoring Political and civil rights
  11. Monitoring economic and cultural rights
  12. Structure of a human rights report
    i. Key information
    ii. Key indicators
    iii. Gender mainstreaming
  13. Protection of victims and witnesses.
    i. Voluntary fund on the protection of victims of torture.

Week 4: the week of the exam (ending 3 December)

XII. Summarize key texts relevant to human rights.
XIII. Review

Originally posted at YPUN.

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