Category: Career Advice

How to build your own project? 0

How to build your own project?

How to build your own project: Why am I writing about building your own project? In my personal experience, having a project helps you keep those creative juices flowing and allows you to fulfil...

Development consultancies 0

Development consultancies

For many consultancies significant work experience is required.  Larger ones such as Crown Agents are worth looking at even if you have minimal experience. Adam Smith International – Advisory Adam Smith International is a...


Entry-level advice

You are looking for you first job or first “real” job experience. You are excited and a little bit scared…. But mostly excited! You are going to go out and be amazing and everything...


Should I just show up?

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of requests for advice if people should just move to a country they would like to work in. Being perfectly honest, there is no definite response to this…...


Personal Finance: Development Edition

News section I’m still open to suggestions, so if you have some pressing questions or topic you want to see being discussed fill out the survey or drop me a line at Natasha@natashaleitedemoura.comThe “20 Weeks to Build...


Goal-setting exercises

Why am I doing this? What is the relevance of goal-setting for my future career in International Development?The answer to this is: everything! You have to create milestones to know if you are stepping...